A Letter to New Online Tutors
In the Beginning: It had been a wonderful fall when I started my tutoring business just 3 months ago. I looked for advice online on how...

5 Easy Ways to Assess Your ACT Prep Skills
Imagine this: you have practiced with an ACT study guide or a tutor, and you want to know if the studying has paid off. How do you find...

How to Get Better Grades in Math, Even If You Get The Right Answer.
“I got the right answer, why on earth would I worry about showing the work?” If I had a dollar for every time I heard that in my 30-year...

5 Tips to Cure Your Calculator Blues
Your math teacher tells you the first day of class that you need a graphing calculator, so you go and buy a brand new one. It’s a month...

How to Win Your Teacher Over Without Becoming the Teacher’s Pet.
Does it feel like your teacher just doesn’t appreciate you? Maybe you think he doesn’t even like you? There are ways to get on your...

"I'm not good at math!" Really??
Society tells us math is hard. We are given license to chime in, “Math was my worst subject.” Do you believe this about yourself? Do...

Math Anxiety, Quizzes, and Tests, Oh My!
First and most importantly, BREATHE! It’s only math. I know that if you have math anxiety, hearing those words are not that helpful,...

Parent + Child = Math Success
Parents play such an important role in helping students do well and really understand the math. But, many parents and children get very...

Back to School Tips for Math Students
Math can be really rewarding when you understand what’s going on and a lot less stressful.